from django.contrib.postgres.aggregates import ArrayAgg
Task.objects.filter(list=mylist).annotate(arr_field=ArrayAgg('myManyToManyField')).values('arr_field', 'someOtherField')
[{'arr_field': [1,2], 'someOtherField': 'valueOne'},
{'arr_field': 1, 'someOtherField': 'valueTwo'}]
It seems that there is no other way but iterate over all Task
Django’s documentation warns about using ‘values()’ on ‘ManyToManyField’.
It would not be
horribly inefficient
if you do this way All the values of the many to many field : Django
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You can use Django’s serializers:
import json
from django.core import serializers
json_data = serializers.serialize("json", Task.objects.all())
If you want to extract the fields only, do the following:
data = [i['fields'] for i in json.loads(json_data)]
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