Org.springframework.beans.factory.beandefinitionstoreexception: failed to process import candidates for configuration class



        <span style="color: red;">org.springframework.beans.factory.beandefinitionstoreexception: failed to process import candidates for configuration class</span>

        <span style="color: blue;">Explanation:</span>

        This exception is thrown when the Spring framework fails to process import candidates for a configuration class. The configuration class may be using the @Import annotation to import other configuration classes or XML files, but some issue occurred during the processing of these imports.

        <span style="color: blue;">Example:</span>

        Let's say we have a configuration class called AppConfig and we are using the @Import annotation to import another configuration class called DatabaseConfig:



            public class AppConfig {

                // Configuration code goes here


        If there is an issue with the DatabaseConfig class or any of its dependencies, Spring will throw the BeanDefinitionStoreException with the message "failed to process import candidates for configuration class".



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