Checking the code [1], there is no way to alter the queryset in the way you want.
Your best option is probably to write this view yourself, using the existing implementation as a guide if you like (e.g. you can still call object_list when you’ve got a queryset ordered to your specification). Then either override the profile list URL in your own urls.py
by declaring it first:
url(r'^profiles/$', path.to.my_profile_list_view, name='my_profile_list'),
(r'^profiles/', include('profiles.urls')),
or create a new URL for this and use that on your site instead:
url(r'^ordered-profiles/$', path.to.my_profile_list_view, name='my_profile_list'),
[1] https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-profiles/src/c21962558420/profiles/views.py#cl-287
See also: https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-profiles/src/c21962558420/profiles/urls.py