One or more invalid package name(s). make sure package names are associated with a valid google play store url

One or more invalid package names have been entered. These package names should be associated with a valid Google Play Store URL.

When you refer to a package name, you are typically talking about the unique identifier for an Android application. The package name is important because it helps distinguish one app from another in the Google Play Store. It is a unique string of characters, usually in reverse domain name notation, such as com.example.myapp.

In order to associate a valid Google Play Store URL with a package name, you need to ensure that the package name is correct and matches the package name used in the app’s manifest file (AndroidManifest.xml). The manifest file is where various settings and information about the app are specified.

For example, let’s say you have an app with the package name “com.example.myapp” and you want to associate it with a Google Play Store URL. The valid URL for this app would be “”. The “id” parameter in the URL should be set to the correct package name.

If you encounter the error message stating that one or more package names are invalid, it means that the package names you provided do not match any existing apps on the Google Play Store or you have made a typo. It’s essential to double-check the package name and ensure it is accurate.

Keep in mind that the package name should always be unique to your app and should not match any other existing apps on the Play Store. This uniqueness helps ensure that your app is correctly identified and can be accessed by users without any confusion.

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