[Fixed]-One of my few django migrations does not run


Perhaps you made a mistake when faking migrations.

What does python manage.py showmigrations output? If it shows 0021_cesiumentity as being applied, then running python manage.py migrate swsite 0021_cesiumentity will have no effect.

To re-run that migration, you would have to fake back to the migration before (0020), then rerun python manage.py migrate swsite 0021_cesiumentity.


Django migrations are tracked using the ‘django_migrations’ table in your database. This is how Django records what migrations have been applied and what hasn’t. If you check in this table, it will show you the migration file names that have been run on the DB.

If you want to rerun a migration, you need to delete the row in the django_migrations table with the corresponding file name. Then migrate again.


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