[Vuejs]-Nuxt / Vue JS – Writing a HTML template for a markdown file



The parse result of the content is stored in article.body.children[]. Each child contains the following node data:

  • tag – HTML tag (e.g., h2, h3)
  • type – Element type (e.g., element, text)
  • value – Element value (the text contents)
  • props – Extra props data, including id
  • children[] – Child nodes

You could use that info to parse the nodes into a convenient data structure that stores release info, such as:

  • title from the text child of h2
  • id from props of h2
  • changes[] to hold the change lines, each containing:
    • id from props of h4
    • type from the text child of h3
    • text from the text child of h4
const elems = article.body.children.filter(node => node.type === 'element')
let rel = {}
let type = ''
for (const node of elems) {
  if (node.tag === 'h2') {
    rel = {
      id: node.props.id,
      title: node.children.find(c => c.type === 'text').value,
      changes: []

  } else if (node.tag === 'h3') {
    type = node.children.find(c => c.type === 'text').value

  } else if (node.tag === 'h4') {
      id: node.props.id,
      text: node.children.find(c => c.type === 'text').value,

Then, use v-for to render the list of release info parsed above.

<article v-for="rel of releases" :key="rel.id">
  <h3 class="title">{{ rel.title }}</h3>
  <section class="change" v-for="change in rel.changes" :key="change.id">
    <div class="type" :class="change.type">{{ change.type }}</div>
    <div class="text">{{ change.text }}</div>


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