I don’t know how you upload your images in strapi, but below I describe my method for uploading images of book covers in my strapi local-host and the way I access the image in my nuxt app. Maybe it is helpful for you to use it in your app.
First I made a new media field in my strapi "content-types builder" section and named it "bookCover". after that I upload my image in database for each book.
Second I used fetch() instead of created hook in my Nuxt app. below is the code of my Nuxt page script:
data() {
return {
books: [],
async fetch() {
this.books = await this.$axios.$get('http://localhost:1337/books');
Finally according to Nuxt documentation I used this code in my template part of my page:
<p v-if="$fetchState.pending">Fetching mountains...</p>
<p v-else-if="$fetchState.error">An error occurred :(</p>
<div v-else>
<!-- you must enter your index of drinks, for example here I access the first book image -->
<v-img max-width="250" :src="`http://localhost:1337${this.books[0].bookCover.url}`"></v-img>
I think if you use this method and use "fetch" hook and also modify the way you call src
attribute in "v-img"
, you can access your image. Also notice that my variable names are different from your names and you must change them.