You don’t need the ‘modules’ folder at all. Nuxt is clever enough to puzzle together your store from the files and directory structure. So, your example could be like this:
- Dir: store
- state.js, mutations.js, actions.js, getters.js
- Dir: posts
- state.js, mutations.js, actions.js, getters.js
Note that you don’t need the index.js files either! In fact, if your store doesn’t have a specific root state, then no need to have the files under the store directory.
The docs are a bit vague on what should be in each file. Here is a quick guide:
export default () => ({
field1: 'init value',
field2: 'init value'
export function mutation1(state, payload) {...}
export function mutation2(state, payload) {...}
export getter1(state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) {...}
export getter2(state, getters, rootState, rootGetters) {...}
export action1(context, payload) {...}
export action2(context, payload) {...}