[Vuejs]-Nuxt loading progress bar loads multiple times



It’s loading three separate times because your requests are taking place sequentially, one after another, not all at once. To get around this, you can manually start/stop the loader.

First, you’ll want to prevent the nuxt axios plugin from triggering the loading bar. See here.

this.$axios.$get('URL', { progress: false })

Then, you can manually start and stop the loading bar programatically before/after the requests are completed.


Full example:

async fetch({  store }) {
    await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_1')
    await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_2')
    await store.dispatch('LOAD_DATA_3')

edit 1 (see comment):

To use in asyncData/fetch you can use the following. I’m not sure you should be accessing the components like this, but I don’t see another way to access the $loading module within the context…

async fetch(ctx) {
    // access the loading component via the access context

    // example, wait 3 seconds before disabling loader
    await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 3000))


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