Npx expo uninstall

The npx expo uninstall command is used to uninstall the Expo CLI tool from your project or machine. The Expo CLI tool is used to manage and develop Expo projects.

To uninstall the Expo CLI tool from your project, open your terminal or command prompt and navigate to the root directory of your project. Then, run the following command:

    npx expo uninstall

This command will remove the Expo CLI tool and any related dependencies from your project.

Alternatively, if you want to uninstall the Expo CLI tool from your machine globally, you can use the following command:

    npm uninstall -g expo-cli

This command will uninstall the Expo CLI tool from your machine, but it will still be available for any new projects you create in the future.

It is worth noting that if you have multiple versions of the Expo CLI tool installed on your machine, running the npx expo uninstall command will only uninstall the version associated with your current project. To remove all versions, you may need to run the npm uninstall -g expo-cli command multiple times.


    $ npx expo uninstall
    $ npm uninstall -g expo-cli

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