[Vuejs]-NPM – "npm WARN optional dep failed, continuing fsevents" when trying to install vue-cli on AWS/EC2


That’s just a warning, so it should still work without it, specially considering FSEvents is an OS X API, so if you are using another OS, which is the case, it’s normal to get that warning and the library that is using it will most likely have an alternative for other OSs.

Also, it has already been asked in the official vue-cli GitHub repo:


I’m not sure what you mean with the directory is empty, but just in case:

  • When you install a package locally (without the -global flag) they should appear in a folder node_modules in your current directory.
  • When you install a package globally, on unix systems they are usually in /usr/local/lib/node_modules.

    Running npm root -g should tell you where the global packages have been installed.

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