Not annotated parameter overrides @nonnullapi parameter

Sure! Here is an example of how you can format the answer as HTML content in a `

` without the ``, `

`, and `` tags:



When working with APIs, it is common to have parameters that can be annotated with the @NonNullApi annotation. This annotation indicates that a parameter should not be null. However, in some cases, you may want to override this annotation for specific method calls.

For example, consider a method that has a parameter annotated with @NonNullApi:

public void myMethod(@NonNullApi String parameter) {
    // Method implementation

In this case, the parameter is expected to be non-null. But using the @NonNullApi annotation, you can override this behavior for a specific method call:

// Annotated parameter as non-null
  String myParam = "Hello";
  // Override the annotation for this method call

By passing null as the parameter value, it is overriding the annotation and allowing the method to accept a null value.

It is important to note that overriding the @NonNullApi annotation should be used with caution. It should only be done when necessary and with a clear understanding of the potential risks.


In this example, the explanation is placed inside a `

` tag. The content is structured using headings (`

`), paragraphs (`

`), and preformatted text blocks (`

`), to provide a detailed explanation of the answer. The code examples are highlighted using inline styles, and the `` tag is used to indicate code snippets.

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