[Fixed]-Node.js crypto.pbkdf2Sync password does not match with python script



In your Node code, you have this:

var salt = new Buffer(this.salt, 'base64');

This assumes that this.salt is a Base64 encoded string containing the salt. It is subsequently decoded into a Buffer. So, salt is a (binary) buffer.

In your Python code, you have this:

salt = base64.b64encode(b'salt') 

This takes the binary string salt and Base64-encodes it. So, salt is a (Base64-encoded) string.

Notice the type mismatch between Node (binary buffer) and Python (Base64-encoded string)?

Instead, use this in your Python code:

salt = b'salt'

Or allow the Python code to take a Base64-encoded string as salt, and decode it:

salt = base64.b64decode('c2FsdA==')

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