[Fixed]-No module named backends.default.urls


Is the registration module in your PYTHONPATH?



(not my solution, but since it was hidden in a comment)

You need to use use include('registration.urls'),

instead of include('registration.backends.default.urls')


I’d suggest always getting django-registration from Bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/ubernostrum/django-registration/overview.

I had a similar problem where I installed django-registration using pip install and it wasn’t giving me up-to-date code.


I had the same problem. Apparently the server where I’m trying to upload the urls.py script has an older version, 0.7 I think.

My initial workaround was to put django-registration as an app (from the source) and include it in INSTALLED_APPS, with the registration folder right alongside my other apps.

Then the new problem was that the installed version is being looked up before the ‘custom’ app, especially on imports. For example, in views.py, we have an

from registration.backends import get_backend

which seems to be missing from the 0.7 version. So this raises an exception, but checking on the registration app the function is there in registration/backend/init.py.

This causes clashes between the custom registration app (0.8) and the one installed server-wide (0.7) that I can’t seem to get around to.

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