[Vuejs]-Ngrok shows blank page when accessing a laravel project from a remote machine


To configure ngrok with your Laravel application for local development, follow these steps:

  • Open the AppServiceProvider.php file located in your Laravel project.

  • Add the following code inside the boot method of the AppServiceProvider class:

    public function boot(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request)
        if (!empty(env('NGROK_URL')) && $request->server->has('HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_HOST')) {
        // Other code
  • Open your terminal and run the following command, replacing laravel-site.test with the local URL your Laravel app uses:

    ngrok http -host-header=rewrite laravel-site.test:80
  • ngrok will provide you with a forwarding URL, typically in the format abc123.ngrok.io. Add the following line and replace abc123.ngrok.io with the URL you received from ngrok in the .env file:

  • Clear your app’s cache using the following commands in the terminal:

    php artisan config:clear
    php artisan cache:clear
    php artisan view:clear
    php artisan route:clear

For more: https://vanrossum.dev/5-using-ngrok-with-laravel

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