[Django]-Nginx doesn't serve static



How is your directory setup? Do you have a folder static in /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/static_files? In that case, the directive should look like this (note the trailing slash in /static/):

location /static/  {
    autoindex    on;
    root /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/static_files;

If you want to map the path /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/static_files to the URL /static/, you have to either

  • rename the folder static_files to static and use this directive:

    location /static/  {
        autoindex    on;
        root /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/;
  • use an alias:

    location /static/  {
        autoindex    on;
        alias /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/static_files/;

See the documentation on the root and alias directives.


I have a similar config for my Django sites, but I think you want to use alias instead of root for your media. For example:

location /static {
    alias /home/user/www/oil/oil_database/static_files;
๐Ÿ‘คRyan Duffield

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