[Answer]-Nginx and django – gettng cache-control to work


If you use url like: http://your.page.com/static/image.gif then with your rules you get such uri (including alias directive):


So conclusion is that remove last / from location directive (it should be /static) or add at the end to alias directive / (so it will be as alias /home/ubuntu/workspace/mysite/;)

Other solution could be like:

location ~ (static/.*) {
   alias /home/ubuntu/workspace/mysite/$1;
   # ... rest of code here

Then you don’t have to add static again in alias directive. You just use it as location param ($1 = static/.*).

Why that way? alias directive (alias doc) work as follow: it trims from requested url part matched in location directive end then, with what will stay, append to it own rule path. In your example from url /static/image.gif/ it will trim /static/ and to your alias path append only image.gif so it will look like I wrote: /home/ubuntu/workspace/mysiteimage.gif/`.

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