[Vuejs]-.net core + vue + coalescevue


You should Running dotnet coalesce in the web project’s root directory .

Suppose i add a new EF entity like( i use newproject as project name just for testing) :

namespace newproject.Data.Models
    public class Person
        public int PersonId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTimeOffset? BirthDate { get; set; }

Use Run dotnet ef migrations add Init (Init can be any name) in the data project to create an initial database migration :

PS D:\nanyu\newproject\newproject.Data> dotnet ef migrations add Init

Next rundotnet coalesce in the web project’s root directory :

PS D:\nanyu\newproject\newproject.Data> cd D:\nanyu\newproject\newproject.Web
PS D:\nanyu\newproject\newproject.Web> dotnet coalesce

Coalesce’s code generation will start generation:
enter image description here
You will find related generated files in web application .

👤Nan Yu

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