this should do the very same:
for day in days:
total_campaigns[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).count()
# recipients
total_recipients[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(
Sum('recipients')).get('recipients__sum', 0.00)
# unsubscribes
total_unsubscribes[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(
Sum('unsubscribes')).get('unsubscribes__sum', 0.00)
# bounces
total_bounces[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(
Sum('bounces')).get('bounces__sum', 0.00)
# open
total_open[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(
Sum('open')).get('open__sum', 0.00)
# clicks
total_clicks[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).aggregate(
Sum('clicks')).get('clicks__sum', 0.00)
and i’m not overly familiar with the django ORM, but you probably can reduce the number of database queries with
for day in days:
day_objects = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day)
total_campaigns[day] = day_objects.count()
# recipients
…etc (and replace all Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day)
with the newly defined day_objects
So I’m not totally sure if this is all correct syntax, but perhaps you might try this approach?
def initialize_dict(dict, days, dict_name):
for day in days:
if dict_name='':
dict[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day).count()
dict[day] = Email.objects.filter(day_of_week=day)
.get(dict_name + '__sum', 0.00)
I’m not sure whether this is a better solution, but it is an alternative. You could decide to make the days a global variable instead of having to pass it into the function. A couple of sample calls would be:
initialize_dict(total_campaigns, days, '')
initialize_dict(total_recipients, days, 'recipients')
and so on… I hope this helps. Please feel free to critique this solution on why it is either a good or bad approach! I am still learning and improving myself 🙂
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