[Django]-Nested urls are not working with Django REST framework


You are nesting the routers, which means you are using one of the nested router plugins. The problem is that you are not providing all of the lookup fields for the last register call.

The relationship that it looks like you are trying to achieve is

Program -> Agreement -> Costumers

And the routers are generating

Agreement -> Costumers
Program -> Agreement -> Costumers

Where the -> signals the lookup that is being made. The lookup must manually be provided when registering by passing in parents_query_lookups. This is important, as otherwise the plugin has to guess what the lookup is, and it’s bound to be wrong. The lookups are not maintained across nestings of the routers, so a lookup defined on router A will not be passed down to router B, it must be repeated on router B as well.

So what you should be doing when registering the router is passing in the parent lookup. The snippet below should work:

router.register(r'Costumers', CostumerViewSet, base_name='costumer')
  .register(r'Agreements', AgreementViewSet, base_name='agreement', parents_query_lookups=['costumer']).
      .register(r'Programs', ProgramViewSet, base_name='programs', parents_query_lookups=['agreement__costumer', 'agreement'])

Note the addition of agreement__costumer in the parents_query_lookups for the last call. This allows the plugin to fill in the lookup field for that part of the URL, preventing duplicated groups from showing up.

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