[Answered ]-Need help install geoDjango on windows


Right click on command prompt and open as administrator. It will work


For the first problem (HAS_GDAL = False), Python is not detecting GDAL installation because of Windows Environmental Variables are not set correctly.

I only could solve this problem giving up OSGeo4w and using GDAL and MapServer.

For the second problem (Error: Access is denied), you cannot add/edit registry because you are not using administrator. As Awe Oluwatobi said, click on Windows Key, write Command, right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator. After this, run the same commands.


download gdal.exe file (for python 2) then add path in your setting.py

GDAL_LIBRARY_PATH=’C:/Program Files (x86)/GDAL/gdal201.dll’

geodjango is django only that has geospatial database.

install django

pip install django==2.2.7


I got through all the set commands, but this command fails…..reg ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /f /d "%PATH%"

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