[Vuejs]-Navigation component not getting re rendered with stage change in Vue3


Try adding set and get property:

const user = computed({
    get: store.state.user,
    set: (val) => store.state.user = val


Try using a getter instead acessing the value directly in the state

Getter for user:

export function getUser(state){
 return state.getUser

and in the component import the getter like this:

import {mapGetters} from 'vuex'
export default {
    computed: {
    watch: {
        getUser: function(){
            //Should be possible to see when the getUser changes here

Note: You have theStoreName for the store name you’re using

Maybe the problem is that the store name is missing, or when you did store.state.user you’re acessing the store? If it is it, then you should try to inform the variable you’re trying to access, like If it is, like store.state.user.name, with the getter it would be: getUser.name

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