Navigateup vs popbackstack

navigateUp() vs popBackStack()

navigateUp() and popBackStack() are two methods in Android used for navigation between different fragments within an app.

navigateUp() is typically used to navigate up within the app’s hierarchy, while popBackStack() is used to pop the topmost fragment from the back stack.


Let’s say we have an app with three fragments: Fragment A, Fragment B, and Fragment C. Fragment A is the start destination, and we navigate from Fragment A to Fragment B, and then from Fragment B to Fragment C.

Now, if we want to navigate up from Fragment C to Fragment B, we can use the navigateUp() method. This method will take care of the navigation logic and automatically navigate to the appropriate parent fragment, which in this case is Fragment B.

      // Inside Fragment C

On the other hand, if we want to directly pop Fragment C from the back stack and navigate back to Fragment B, we can use the popBackStack() method. This method allows you to control the navigation manually and pops the topmost fragment from the back stack.

      // Inside Fragment C

It’s important to note that navigateUp() is usually preferred over popBackStack() as it provides a consistent and predictable navigation behavior, especially when dealing with complex app hierarchies and deep navigation stacks.

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