[Fixed]-Naming variable, best convention



PEP 8, nothing more to say.

Of course you can use your own style (I use camelCase, for example), but most people use recommendations from that PEP.


Code Complete (http://www.cc2e.com/) has some great chapters about function/variable naming, not for Python explicitly, but perhaps still interesting…


In addition to the correct references to PEP-8 and Django, let me add Google’s Python style guide, which features a naming convention. It is here.



The important thing is being consistent with your naming style. Choose one with your project mates and use it. Don’t mix them. I personally use camelCase:

Sample class name: MyClass (capital letter at the beginning)

Sample method name: myMethod

Sample variable name: myVariable

Sample constant/enum name: MY_CONST

Class name should start with capital letter to make clear what it is in your code. Same about constants/enums. Values that don’t change throughout your program should consist of capital letters.


I use lower_case_with_underscore for variables, methods and functions. I think it really improves readability of the code.

For classes, I tend to use upper case the first letter: class NewsForm (forms.Form):


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