Named arguments are not allowed for non-kotlin functions

Named Arguments are not allowed for non-Kotlin functions

In Kotlin, named arguments can be used when calling functions, which allows you to specify the argument name followed by a colon “:” and the argument value.
It provides a way to improve the readability and expressivity of function calls, especially when dealing with functions that have a large number of parameters.

However, named arguments are not allowed for non-Kotlin functions. Non-Kotlin functions refer to functions written in other programming languages, such as Java or C++,
that are called from Kotlin code.

Let’s take an example of a non-Kotlin function written in Java:

// Java code
  public class MyClass {
      public static void myFunction(String arg1, int arg2) {
          // Function code here

  // Kotlin code
  fun main() {
      // Call to non-Kotlin function with named arguments (INVALID)
      MyClass.myFunction(arg1 = "value1", arg2 = 2)

The above example shows how named arguments cannot be used when calling a non-Kotlin function from Kotlin. The function myFunction is written in Java,
and when calling it from Kotlin, we cannot use named arguments. We have to call the function using regular parameter order:

// Kotlin code
  fun main() {
      // Call to non-Kotlin function without named arguments (VALID)
      MyClass.myFunction("value1", 2)

The above example demonstrates the correct way of calling the non-Kotlin function from Kotlin, which is without using named arguments. We simply pass the arguments
in the same order as they are defined in the function signature.

In summary, named arguments are a Kotlin-specific feature and cannot be used when calling non-Kotlin functions written in other programming languages. You must adhere
to the parameter order defined in the function signature while calling such functions from Kotlin.

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