Name expected kotlin

Query: name expected kotlin

In Kotlin, the name expected error occurs when you try to declare a variable or parameter without specifying its data type. The Kotlin compiler needs to know the data type of the variable or parameter at compile-time in order to perform type checking and ensure type safety.

To fix the error, you need to specify the data type of the variable or parameter explicitly. This can be done by using the colon (:) followed by the desired data type.


// Example 1: Variable declaration
val myVariable: Int = 42

// Example 2: Function parameter
fun printNumber(number: Double) {
    println("Number: $number")

In Example 1, we declare a variable named myVariable of type Int. The data type is explicitly specified after the variable name using the colon (:) followed by the desired data type. Here, we have specified that myVariable should hold integer values.

In Example 2, we define a function named printNumber with a parameter named number of type Double. The data type is explicitly specified after the parameter name using the colon (:) followed by the desired data type. Here, we have specified that number should accept double precision floating-point values.

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