change originalsite
not in the directory address just the name like
WSGIDaemonProcess somethingelse python-path=/var/www/originalsite:/var/www/originalsite/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
WSGIProcessGroup somethingelse
If you’re facing this issue while using certbot
command to install multiple "Let’s Encrypt Certificates" then it may be due to some bug in certbot
, as discussed here. For a quick workaround, you can comment
to run certbot
command and then remove the comments afterwards.
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The reason for the error is because the name of a mod_wsgi daemon process group must be unique across the whole Apache installation. It is not possible to use the same daemon process group name in different VirtualHost
definitions. This is necessary to avoid conflicts when working out what daemon process group is being referred to in certain situations.
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I’ve solved this problem by commenting the below 3 lines in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
# WSGIDaemonProcess
# WSGIProcessGroup
# WSGIScriptAlias
then reload/restart Apache2.
And I leave them as is in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default-ssl.conf
because it’s duplicated in HTTP (non-SSL) and HTTPS (SSL)
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I have the same problem with Apache2 configuration.
In my case I have duplicated 000-default.conf file in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled.
First I looking ‘WSGIDaemon’ string in Linux:
grep -iRl "WSGIDaemon" ./
Second analize every line. I found duplicated file on /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default-copy.conf
. After delete, checking syntax:
sudo apachectl configtest
return ‘Syntax OK’. I spend on this 4 hours… I hope somebody use this 🙂
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Although there are correct answers given, I was still confused when reading the answers. So here’s some clarification for the particular case when enabling HTTP and HTTPS for a single site on Apache.
In one of your configuration files (let’s say HTTP):
# Add this outside of VirtualHost scope to ensure it's global
WSGIDaemonProcess some_name python-path=/var/www/originalsite:/var/www/originalsite/env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
# Within VirtualHost
WSGIProcessGroup some_name
In the other configuration file (HTTPS):
WSGIProcessGroup some_name
That’s it. What it does is link the same group in both the config files. The process name is defined only in one config files and that makes Apache happy.
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