Run in console
mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to root@localhost identified by 'password' with grant option;
The instruction said to add the
with the SQL statement as:
After doing this as root, I quit and tried to log back in with the new user. I got the ERROR 1045. I fixed it by logging back in as root and reissuing the SQL statement again except with
. It worked! I don’t know why? Maybe it is the difference between IPs of ‘’ and ‘localhost’???
as read on dev.mysql.com.
After struggling for two days I finally found whats wrong.
Entire steps to set up a mysql database for Django site are-
Your settings.py file must look like-
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'django_db', #Name of database you created
'USER': 'root', #Username of database you created
'PASSWORD':'', #Password of database you created
'HOST': '',
'PORT': '',
} }
Note:-The password and username given above is of my localhost you have change it to yours.
create a database in localhost let name it django_db (for this you can use lamp/wamp/Xampp or mysql command prompt)
Edit the file settings.py and save the password you require to open your database in DATABASES field as given below in the code.
open terminal.
If you are using virtual environment then switch into it by using command -> workon env_name
Now cd app_name eg. cd mysite
step 3, 4 and 5 just tells how to reach the folder where manage.py file found in your Application.
6.To check you are in right directory run command ls -l. If you find manage.py file then everything is right go ahead
7.python manage.py migrate
If you are having any error like- “No module named MySQLdb” in running above command you can visit the link
8.python manage.py syncdb
9.python manage.py runserver
10.You will be asked for username and password for your Django admin, give whatever you want to open Django admin site.
11.check you are having some tables in your database in localhost at `http://localhost/phpmyadmin. You are good to go now.
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For anyone encountering this issue – check to make sure that the database user host is localhost
. If set to %
, it won’t work, you will need to add localhost
or change your overall security settings.
- Creating an entire web application using django admin
- Django – When should I use signals and when should I override save method?
- Changing password in Django Admin
- Django: Access request object from admin's form.clean()
This occurs when your Username or password is wrong ….so go through the username and password once again.
your DB doesn’t recognize your root user and password. If you can go to the phpmyAdmin and try to create a different user and password and assign to the DB, if that is not working try to create but console with create user, and grant all.
- Django database synchronization for an offline usage
- How to Serialize BigIntegerField, TextField in serializer Django
- Django queryset __contains case sensitive?
- How is pip install using git different than just cloning a repository?
- Django 1.8 migration unable to cast column id to integer
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- Django error: [<class 'decimal.InvalidOperation'>]