Ubuntu 20 has improved the security level.
The only way i could connect was allowing the tls 1 .
Edit this file:
And put at the beginning of file:
openssl_conf = default_conf
And in the end of that file too:
[ default_conf ]
ssl_conf = ssl_sect
system_default = ssl_default_sect
MinProtocol = TLSv1
CipherString = DEFAULT:@SECLEVEL=1
It help me a lot: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1233186/ubuntu-20-04-how-to-set-lower-ssl-security-level
For anyone googling, you can use this flag in mysql
cmd: --ssl-mode=DISABLED
. I.E:
mysql -uuser -p'myPassw0rd!' -hmysql.company.com --ssl-mode=DISABLED
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Add this to your mysql 5.7 server config file and then restart your mysql service
Now you should be able to connect to it using tls 1.2, which is the default in Ubuntu 20.04
For the sake of completeness, in Ubuntu 20.04 actually my.cnf
and mysql.cnf
are actually the same file. So editing either one will work.
$ readlink -f /etc/mysql/my.cnf
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Bump mysqlclient
to v2.X, which added ssl_mode
option, https://github.com/PyMySQL/mysqlclient-python/blob/main/HISTORY.rst
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',
'NAME': 'yamcha',
'USER': 'yamcha',
'PASSWORD': 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
'HOST': 'database.yourproject.com',
'PORT': '3309',
'OPTIONS': {'ssl_mode': 'DISABLED'},
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If You are using MYSQL Workbench :
Just Disable the SSL by editing the connection.
Go to edit Connection in connection panel
Select SSL in options after parameter as given in screenshot
On connection
- Select Use SSL : NO
- Finally it would look like this.
On clients other than Mysql workbench also you can try disabling SSL
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If you still want the upgraded security features then you can consider upgrading your mysql server to 5.7.
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I encoutered same question as well. Combine the idea from above and documents.
Here is my thought
- Check os system openssl version and its support ssl/tls version by
$ openssl version
. Check the system settings/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
as well. - Check MySQL support TLS version by
- Check your python mysql client TLS version. For my experience I am using
. Document said since 8.0.28 would not support TLS 1.1 and below. Thatβs why I cannot connect to MySQL. https://dev.mysql.com/doc/connector-python/en/connector-python-connectargs.html
In MySQL document, it mentioned TLS version which client could use should be the union set of host os TLS version and MySQL TLS version.
For example, your host only support TLS 1.1 / 1.2 and MySQL setting si TLS 1.0. There is no compatible TLS version for client.
Hope these tips could help.
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