[Django]-My django template boolean variable isn't working as expected in javascript



For what I see your auth_status variable seems to be a string, not a boolean. A variable with a non-empty string on javascript will evaluate to true on an if clause.

Anyhow, something like

    var auth_status = {{ user.is_authenticated }};

will not work because that will generate this HTML:

    var auth_status = True;

As Python’s True boolean is uppercased.

This should do the translation from Python to Javascript:

    var auth_status = {{ user.is_authenticated|yesno:"true,false" }};

Check yesno docs here: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#yesno


Another option would be to use the jinja2 tojson filter:

  let javascript_var = {{ python_var|tojson }};

You may also want to use the safe filter depending on what you’re passing:

  let javascript_var = {{ python_var|tojson|safe }};


solution for 2022:

const isAuthenticated = ${str(user.is_authenticated).lower()}

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