Module not found: error: package path . is not exported from package

Module Not Found Error

The “module not found” error occurs when an import statement in your JavaScript code refers to a module that cannot be found. This error typically happens when the specified package or file path is incorrect, or when the package being imported is not exported properly.

To better understand this error, let’s look at an example. Suppose we have two JavaScript files in the same directory: main.js and utils.js. utils.js contains some utility functions that we want to use in main.js.

Incorrect Module Path

In main.js, we try to import the utilities module from utils.js as follows:

import utilities from './utilities';

However, if the actual file name is utils.js (instead of utilities.js), the module path would be incorrect. This would result in a “module not found” error.

Missing Export

Alternatively, the error can occur if the referred package or file is not properly exported. Let’s say our utils.js file looks like this:

// utils.js
const utilFunction = () => {
  console.log('Utility function called');

export default utilFunction;

Here, we intend to export the utilFunction using the export default syntax. However, if we forget to include this line or use a different export method, such as named exports, attempting to import the module using the default import syntax will trigger the “module not found” error.

Correcting the Error

To fix the “module not found” error, you should double-check the module path to ensure it is correct and matches the actual file path. Additionally, make sure that the module you are trying to import is correctly exported.

In our previous example, the correct import statement for main.js to import the utilFunction from utils.js would be:

import utilFunction from './utils';

Now, the utilFunction from utils.js should be successfully imported and ready to use in main.js.

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