Module not found: error: package path . is not exported from package

When encountering the “module not found: error: package path . is not exported from package” error message, it means that the specified module or package could not be found within the current project or build context. This issue often occurs when attempting to import a module or package that is not properly exported by the referenced package or module.

To resolve this error, you need to ensure that the module or package you are trying to import is correctly exported and accessible within the project.

Here are a few steps to help you resolve the “module not found” error:

  1. Verify the module/package export: Check the documentation or source code of the package/module you are trying to import. Ensure that the specific path you are using is indeed exported and accessible.
  2. Ensure correct installation: Make sure the package/module you want to use is installed correctly. You can do this by checking the package manager configuration (package.json for Node.js projects or the go.mod file for Go projects) and verifying the package is listed as a dependency.
  3. Check the import statement: Double-check the import statement in your code. Ensure that the package/module name and path are correctly specified. Pay attention to case sensitivity and any additional characters or typos that may cause the import to fail.
  4. Import package/module from the correct path: If you are using relative paths for module imports, ensure that the file you are importing from is located in the correct path relative to your current file. Double-check the directory structure to make sure the module is accessible.
  5. Refresh dependencies and rebuild: If you are using a package manager like npm or go modules, try refreshing the dependencies by running npm install or go mod tidy to ensure the required packages are properly resolved and installed.

Here is an example to illustrate the error and resolution steps:

    // Assuming we are working with a Node.js project
    // Error: module not found: error: package path . is not exported from package
    import { something } from './my-module'; // Attempting to import from a non-exported module
    // Resolution:
    // Step 1: Verify the module export
    // Check the source code of my-module and ensure that the path './my-module' is indeed exported
    export { something } from './my-module';
    // Step 2: Ensure correct installation
    // Verify that my-module is listed as a dependency in package.json
    // If not, run 'npm install my-module' to install it
    // Step 3: Check the import statement
    // Make sure the import statement is correct, paying attention to spelling, case sensitivity, and characters
    import { something } from './my-module';
    // Step 4: Import package/module from the correct path
    // Ensure that the my-module file is located in the correct path relative to the importing file
    // Double-check the directory structure: ./my-module.js
    // Step 5: Refresh dependencies and rebuild
    // Run 'npm install' to refresh dependencies and ensure my-module is properly installed
    // Now you should be able to import and use the exported module without the "module not found" error.

Following these steps should help you troubleshoot and resolve the “module not found” error. Remember to consult the documentation or seek support from the package/module maintainers if the issue persists.

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