Module jdk.compiler does not “opens” to unnamed module

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The error message “module jdk.compiler does not opens to unnamed module” occurs when the unnamed module (usually your application module) tries to access or reflectively access types or packages in the package of the jdk.compiler module, but it is not able to do so because the jdk.compiler module does not explicitly open this package to the unnamed module.

When using the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), modules need to explicitly open packages that they want to make accessible to other modules. This is usually done by adding the opens directive in the file of the module.


Let’s say you have a module named myapplication that needs to access types in the package of the jdk.compiler module. To resolve the error, you need to open this package to the unnamed module (myapplication module) by adding the following line to the file of the jdk.compiler module:

    opens to myapplication;

After making this change, recompile and run your application. The error should be resolved as the package is now accessible to the myapplication module.


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