when overriding clean() in modelforms u must give access to instance, so it lost the PK as i said in the comments and then the result of save() is an insert.
Overriding the clean() method¶
You can override the clean() method on
a model form to provide additional
validation in the same way you can on
a normal form.In this regard, model forms have two
specific characteristics when compared
to forms:By default the clean() method
validates the uniqueness of fields
that are marked as unique,
unique_together or
unique_for_date|month|year on the
model. Therefore, if you would like to
override the clean() method and
maintain the default validation, you
must call the parent class’s clean()
method.Also, a model form instance bound to a
model object will contain a
self.instance attribute that gives
model form methods access to that
specific model instance.