I think you have to make some changes to your original test case
- Change jest.fn() to jest.spyOn(Todo.methods, ‘deleteItem’) since you have to track calls to methods object in Todo component. Refer: https://jestjs.io/docs/jest-object
- Wait for the click event to be triggered with await
- Use toHaveBeenCalledTimes not toHaveBeenCalledWith("1")
So your final test case will look like this
describe("delete a todo", () => {
test("should have todo removed", async () => {
const removeItem = jest.spyOn(Todo.methods, 'removeItem')
const items = [{ id: 1, name: "ana", isComplete: false }];
const wrapper = shallowMount(Todo, items)
await wrapper.find('.delete').trigger('click')