You need to @patch get_next_friday()
function and substitute it’s return value with the one you need:
date_in_the_future = date.today() + timedelta(50)
next_friday_in_the_future = get_next_friday(base_date=date_in_the_future)
with patch('module_under_test.get_next_friday') as mocked_function:
mocked_function.return_value = next_friday_in_the_future
# call refresh_settlement_date
An alternative approach would to be to patch the current date.
There is a relevant thread with multiple options:
My favorite option is to use a third-party module called freezegun
You would need only one line to add, very clean and readable:
def test_refresh_settlement_date_in_the_future(self):
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I just tried this out, it seems to work:
first I need to copy the function:
old_get_next_friday = get_next_friday
then patch it:
with patch.object(get_next_friday) as mocked_func:
for i in range(8):
mocked_func.return_value = old_get_next_friday(date.today() + timedelta(days=i))
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