Mock crypto jest


The term “mock” in the context of Jest and cryptocurrencies refers to creating a simulated or fake version of a crypto module or component for testing purposes. Jest is a popular JavaScript testing framework often used for unit testing and integration testing of code.

When it comes to testing code that interacts with cryptocurrencies or crypto modules, it can be challenging to simulate real-world scenarios or test against actual crypto networks. This is where mocking comes in handy. By creating mock implementations of crypto components, you can isolate the code being tested and simulate different scenarios without dealing with the complexities of real crypto systems or networks.

Example 1: Mocking a Cryptocurrency API

Let’s say you have a function that fetches the current price of a specific cryptocurrency from an external API and performs some calculations on that data:

// crypto.js
    import axios from 'axios';

    export async function getCryptoPrice(cryptoName) {
        const response = await axios.get(`${cryptoName}`);
        const price =;
        // perform calculations or additional logic
        return price;

In order to test this function without relying on the actual API, you can create a mock implementation of the getCryptoPrice function using Jest:

// __mocks__/crypto.js
    export async function getCryptoPrice(cryptoName) {
        // return a fixed price for testing
        return 1000;

By creating this mock version of the ‘crypto.js’ module in a ‘__mocks__’ directory alongside the original module, Jest will automatically use the mock implementation instead of the real implementation when you run your tests.

Example 2: Mocking Crypto Libraries

Another common use case for mocking in the context of cryptocurrencies is when your code interacts with crypto libraries or modules. These libraries might perform operations like generating cryptographic keys, signing transactions, or hashing data.

Let’s say you have a function that signs a transaction using a crypto library:

// transaction.js
    import crypto from 'crypto-library';

    export function signTransaction(transactionData, privateKey) {
        const signature = crypto.sign(transactionData, privateKey);
        return signature;

In order to test this function without relying on the actual crypto library, you can create a mock version of the ‘crypto-library’ and its sign method:

// __mocks__/crypto-library.js
    export function sign(data, privateKey) {
        return 'mockedSignature';

By creating this mock version of the ‘crypto-library.js’ module in a ‘__mocks__’ directory alongside the original module, Jest will automatically use the mock implementation instead of the real implementation when you run your tests. This allows you to control the behavior and output of the crypto library in your tests.

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