Missing resource instance key


Error: missing resource instance key

Description: This error occurs when a resource instance key is missing in the request.

Solution: Make sure to provide a valid resource instance key in the request. The resource instance key is used to uniquely identify a specific resource instance. It is usually provided as a parameter or property in the request. Here is an example:

      // Example request with a resource instance key
      GET /api/resources/{instanceKey}
      // Example request with a resource instance key as a query parameter
      GET /api/resources?instanceKey={keyValue}

In the above examples, replace {instanceKey} or {keyValue} with the actual value of the resource instance key you intend to use.


– The HTML code is enclosed within a `

` tag to serve as a container.
– `

` tags are used for each paragraph of information.
– `` tags are used to highlight key details.
– `

` and `` tags are employed to present example requests.
- Inline code is represented by the `` tags and placeholders are enclosed within curly braces, e.g., `{instanceKey}`.
- The description provides an explanation of the error, and the solution offers guidance on how to fix it.
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