[Fixed]-Missing distribution spec error using pip install from requirements


You must be doing something wrong. Something like: pip install path/to/requirements.txt, but the requirements file must be passed with -r argument:

pip install -r path/to/requirements.txt



I’d like to complete the answer if anyone runs in the same variant as I did: I was running everything on a Windows environment (windows 7). Under powershell, I had ran

pip freeze > requirements.txt

When I tested on a new virtualenv, I had the same error as above. The problem was an encoding issue (ugh): make sure the requirements.txt file is written in UTF-8 (without BOM). Notepad++ or sublime text can make sure of that.

Hope it helps anyone else for the which the answer above was not enough.


My issue ending up being that in some terminals, – and – look exactly the same. I had –r and it threw this error. You want -r.



if you are pushing to Azure, even with utf-8 you might also run into this problem:

ValueError: (‘Missing distribution spec’, ‘\xef\xbb\xbfDjango==1.11.4’)

the safe way is to save as requirements.txt as ansi file.

well, given you are running on windows

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