[Django]-Migrate postgres dump to RDS


Considering your dumped DB file is of ~550MB, I think using the Amazon guide for doing this is the way out. I hope it helps.

Importing Data into PostgreSQL on Amazon RDS


I think it did not halt. It was just recreating indexes, foreign keys etc. Use pg_restore -v to see what’s going on during the restore. Check the logs or redirect output to a file to check for any errors after import, as this is verbose.

Also I’d recommend using directory format (pg_dump -v -Fd) as it allows for parallel restore (pg_restore -v -j4).

You can ignore this ERROR: must be owner of extension plpgsql. This is only setting a comment on extension, which is installed by default anyway. This is caused by a peculiarity in RDS flavor of PostgreSQL, which does not allow to restore a database while connecting as postgres user.

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