

The microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.gitcheckoutconflictexception is an exception in the Git Contracts namespace of the Microsoft Team Foundation library. It is thrown when a conflict occurs during a Git checkout operation in TFS (Team Foundation Server).

When working with TFS and performing a Git checkout, conflicts may arise when attempting to switch to a different branch or commit. These conflicts occur when there are changes in the working directory that conflict with the target branch or commit.


// Assuming you are using the Microsoft Team Foundation library
try {
    // Perform a Git checkout operation
} catch(microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.gitcheckoutconflictexception ex) {
    // Handle the conflict exception
    // You can access additional properties of the exception, if available
    var conflictItems = ex.Conflicts;
    foreach(var conflictItem in conflictItems) {
        // Handle each conflict item individually

In the example above, we are performing a Git checkout operation in TFS. If a conflict occurs, the gitcheckoutconflictexception will be thrown. We catch the exception and handle it appropriately.

The exception provides access to additional properties such as the Conflicts property, which contains a list of individual conflict items. These conflict items can be examined and dealt with accordingly.

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