Microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkout conflict

microsoft.teamfoundation.git.contracts.git checkout conflict

When working with Git in Microsoft Team Foundation, you may encounter a checkout conflict. A checkout conflict occurs when two or more developers try to edit the same file or files simultaneously, resulting in conflicts that need to be resolved.

Here’s a step-by-step process of how you can handle a checkout conflict:

  1. Identify the conflicting files: Use a version control client like Git command line or a graphical interface to determine which files are in conflict.
  2. Resolve the conflict: Open the conflicting file(s) in a text editor or an integrated development environment (IDE) capable of handling merge conflicts.
  3. Analyze the conflict: Understand the conflicting changes made by different developers. Look for the sections marked with conflict markers like “<<<<<<<", "=======", and ">>>>>>>”. These markers divide the conflicting changes into different sections.
  4. Make necessary changes: Decide how to combine or choose one set of changes over another. Edit the conflicting sections manually to resolve the conflict and maintain the desired outcome. Remove the conflict markers as you fix the conflicts.
  5. Save the resolved file(s): Save the changes in the text editor or IDE once you have resolved all conflicts.
  6. Commit the changes: Add the resolved file(s) to the staging area and commit them to the Git repository using Git command line or the appropriate version control client.

Let’s consider an example to better understand this process:

Imagine two developers, Alice and Bob, are working on the same file named “example.js”. Alice made changes to lines 10-15, while Bob modified lines 20-25. When they try to commit their changes, a checkout conflict arises.

<<<<<<< HEAD
// Alice's changes
function foo() {
  // Alice's code


// Bob's changes
function bar() {
  // Bob's code
>>>>>>> branch-a

In this example, Alice’s changes are marked with “<<<<<<< HEAD" and "=======" while Bob's changes are marked with ">>>>>>> branch-a”. To resolve this conflict, you need to manually edit the file to combine or choose the desired changes:

// Combined changes
function foo() {
  // Alice's code

function bar() {
  // Bob's code

After resolving the conflict, the file can be saved and committed to the Git repository as per the steps mentioned above.

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