Meta.relativepath.startswith is not a function


The error “meta.relativepath.startswith is not a function” occurs when the function “startswith” is being called on the variable “meta.relativepath”, but this variable does not have a method or function named “startswith”.


Example 1:

      const meta = {
        relativepath: "/images/example.jpg",

      // Error: meta.relativepath.startswith is not a function

In the above example, the variable “meta.relativepath” contains the string “/images/example.jpg”. The intention of the code is to check if the string starts with “/images” using the “startswith” function. However, “startswith” is not a valid function for strings in JavaScript, resulting in the error.

Example 2:

      const meta = {
        relativepath: "example.jpg",

      if (meta.relativepath.startsWith("example")) {
        console.log("The relative path starts with 'example'");
      else {
        console.log("The relative path does not start with 'example'");
      // Output: The relative path starts with 'example'

In this example, the variable “meta.relativepath” contains the string “example.jpg”. The code checks if the string starts with “example” using the “startsWith” function. Since the condition is true, the message “The relative path starts with ‘example'” is logged in the console.

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