[Answered ]-Menu navigation with Django



You should do this kind of thing with template inheritance. For example, your base.html might include a navigation list with:

<li{% block products %}{% endblock %}><a href...>Products</a></li>
<li{% block about %}{% endblock %}><a href...>About</a></li>

Then in your about template (assuming it inherits from base) you have:

{% block about %} class="active"{% endblock %}

This will render as pure html, using the class you have defined for active pages. Because it uses simple template inheritance you can also get really fine control with this.



I use my own template tag called ifnav.

The usage is very simple. Just add it to your INSTALLED_APPS and make sure the request context processor is activated.

Afterwards you can write this:

<li {% ifnav "^/about/" %} class="active" {% endifnav %}><a href="{% url about_project %}"> About</a></li>

For current projects I use Django CMS which takes care of rendering the navigation.


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