Max_by bigquery

Using MAX_BY in BigQuery

The MAX_BY function in BigQuery is used to retrieve the entire row that contains the maximum value of a specific column or expression. It is commonly used when you want to find the maximum value based on a certain condition or criteria.


    SELECT MAX_BY(column, expression) AS max_row FROM table

The column parameter specifies the column or expression for which you want to find the maximum. The expression parameter is used to determine the maximum value.


Let’s say we have a table called ‘sales’ with the following columns:

OrderID Product Quantity Price
1 A 10 100
2 B 5 200
3 C 8 150

To find the product with the highest price, we can use the MAX_BY function as follows:

    SELECT MAX_BY(Product, Price) AS max_row FROM sales

This query will return the row with the maximum price:


In this example, the ‘B’ product has the highest price of 200, so it is returned as the result.

Note that MAX_BY can be used with any column or expression in BigQuery to find the maximum value based on your specific requirements.

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