The value item.LastUpdatePostDate
is a string… it has no newFunction
method. The newFunction
method is available via this.newFunction
, and you should pass the date string as argument:
LastUpdatePostDate: this.newFunction(item.LastUpdatePostDate),
itself could look like this:
newFunction: function (dateString) {
let [monthName, day, year] = dateString.match(/\w+/g);
let month = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec".indexOf(monthName.slice(0, 3)) / 3 + 1;
return `${day}/${month}/${year}`.replace(/\b\d\b/g, "0$&");
But maybe give it a more telling name 😉
You cannot call a vue method on a value.
Call the method with the value as argument:
LastUpdatePostDate: this.newFunction(item.LastUpdatePostDate),
newFunction(date) {
// do stuff with date
return newvalue