I know it’s a bit late, but you can use capfirst:
{{ "waiting for action"|capfirst }}
This will result into "Waiting for action"
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This solution also works if you have multiple words (for example all caps):
{{ "ALL CAPS SENTENCE"|lower|capfirst }}
This will output “All caps sentence”.
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The title
filter works fine, but if you have a many-words string like: "some random text"
, the result is going to be "Some Random Text"
. If what you really want is to uppercase only the first letter of the whole string, you should create your own custom filter.
You could create a filter like this (follow the instructions on how to create a custom template filter from this doc – it’s quite simple):
# yourapp/templatetags/my_filters.py
from django import template
register = template.Library()
def upfirstletter(value):
first = value[0] if len(value) > 0 else ''
remaining = value[1:] if len(value) > 1 else ''
return first.upper() + remaining
Then, you should load the my_filters file at your template, and use the filter defined there:
{% load my_filters %}
{{ myname|upfirstletter }}
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It worked for me in template variable.
{{ user.username|title }}
If the user is “al hasib” then the it will return “Al Hasib”
{{ user.username|capfirst }}
If user is ‘hasib’ then the last one will return “Hasib”
Both look something like same but there’s some differences.
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Just use {{myname | capfirst}}
In Django the template filter capfirst capatialize the first letter of a given string.
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