Loop variable of loop over rows must be a record variable or list of scalar variables

In programming, when we talk about a loop variable for looping over rows, it typically refers to the variable that keeps track of the current iteration within the loop. In the specific error message you provided, the error states that the loop variable must be a record variable or a list of scalar variables. Let’s break down this error and provide examples to explain it in detail.

Error Explanation

The error message suggests that the loop variable you are using in your code needs to be either a record variable or a list of scalar variables. The loop variable is the one declared and used in your loop statement to iterate over a set of rows or elements. The error occurs when the loop variable does not match the expected type.

A record variable is a composite data type that can hold multiple values or attributes. For example, in Python, you can define a class or a data structure as a record and use it as a loop variable. On the other hand, a scalar variable is a simple data type that holds a single value such as an integer, float, or string.

Depending on the programming language or framework you are using, the specific requirements for the loop variable may vary. It is essential to check the documentation or the specific error message to understand exactly what is expected.


Let’s provide a couple of examples to better illustrate the concept.

1. Using a record variable:
Suppose you have a database table with multiple columns, and you want to loop over the rows of the table. In this case, you can define a record data type or a structure that holds the attributes of each row, and your loop variable will be an instance of that record type. The record variable will contain multiple scalar variables representing the different values of the row’s attributes.

// Assuming a database table with columns 'name' and 'age'
class Person {
string name;
int age;

// Loop with a record variable
for (Person person : persons) {
// Access individual attributes using the record variable
string name = person.name;
int age = person.age;
// Do something with the values

2. Using a list of scalar variables:
In some cases, you may not need a record variable and can instead directly use a list of scalar variables to store the values of each row. Each variable within the list will correspond to a specific attribute or column in the row. This approach is useful when you have a fixed number of attributes and do not require a complex record structure.

// Assuming a database table with columns 'name' and 'age'
// Loop with a list of scalar variables
for (List row : rows) {
string name = row[0];
int age = row[1];
// Do something with the values

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