[Answer]-Logging error when syncdb


You are getting the error because ‘project.logging.SpecialFilter’ doesn’t exist and you have to create this class/method in your django project.

Create module ‘mylogging.py’ in / directory, where settings.py and wsgi.py and url.py is present.
A sample SpecialFilter implementation:-

    import logging
from random import choice

class SpecialFilter(logging.Filter):
    # """
    # This is a filter which injects contextual information into the log.
    # Rather than use actual contextual information, we just use random
    # data in this demo.
    # """

    USERS = ['jim', 'fred', 'sheila']
    IPS = ['', '', '']

    def filter(self, record):

        record.ip = choice(SpecialFilter.IPS)
        record.user = choice(SpecialFilter.USERS)
        return True

Also fix your setting.py to properly point to the new SpecialFilter module location.

    'filters': {
    'special': {
        '()': '<your_project_name>.mylogging.SpecialFilter',
        # '()': 'django.utils.log.RequireDebugTrue',
        # 'foo': 'bar',

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