You just need to check the value of the radio button once you click the choices using v-model in the next step. It uses v-if so the components that are not selected will not render.
Check This. I haven’t tested it but it looks like this.
<form-wizard @on-complete="onComplete">
<template slot="step" slot-scope="props">
<wizard-step :tab="props.tab"
<tab-content title="Step1" :before-change="checkStep1">
One <input type="radio" id="one" v-model="selectedOption" :value="1" >
Two <input type="radio" id="two" v-model="selectedOption" :value="2" >
Three <input type="radio" id="three" v-model="selectedOption" :value="3" >
<tab-content title="Step2" >
<component1 v-if="selectedOption === 1" />
<component2 v-if="selectedOption === 2" />
<component3 v-if="selectedOption === 3" />
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFormWizard from 'vue-form-wizard'
import component1 from '@/compononents/component1'
import component2 from '@/compononents/component2'
import component3 from '@/compononents/component3'
export default {
name: 'MyComponent',
components: {
data () {
return {
selectedOption: 1
methods: {
checkStep1 () {
//Add validation of step 1 here and return true or false
You can dynamically load components like this:
(assuming you use webpack)
<!-- Just a combo to pick the string 'one' or 'two' into currentComponent variable -->
<v-select v-model="currentComponent" :items="components" solo/>
<!-- 1 - This component is a dynamic one: -->
<component :is="currentComponent"/>
// 2 - Importing dynamically
const one = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "one" */ "../vue/One.vue")
const two = () => import(/* webpackChunkName: "two" */ '../vue/Two.vue')
export default {
name: "toto",
components: {one, two},
data: () => ({
components: ['one', 'two'],
currentComponent: null
1 – Using ‘component’ in template will dynamically display the component named by the value of ‘currentComponent’ variable. You can pass props etc.
2 – Using promises when importing components will load component from server only when used. Even if you have 20 big components to conditionnaly display, only used components at runtime will be loaded from server.
3 – Note you can also use one and two components with v-if conditions, it works too.
More info about dynamic components can be found here